Thursday, July 05, 2007

Innovation: Top 10 Reasons Why Your Customer Service Fails

1.You’re doing all the talking – my grandmother used to say: “we have two ears and one mouth for a reason. They are meant to be used proportionally.”

2. You are not doing anything about it – you don’t follow through with the feedback you request.

3. Your customer service reps don’t have the power to help – you are putting the most junior and least supported staff up front.

4. You have no idea of the cost to you of losing customers – if you were paying attention, you would know that good service means you retain more customers. Acquiring new customers costs more.

5. You see customer service as a cost, not a benefit – when you look at your department as overhead, you tend to under fund it and under staff it.

6. You are not keeping your brand promises – it does you no good to spend millions in advertising when customers find you difficult to deal with. A good experience is one of the best investments in your brand.

7. Your product needs help, start there – it is quite natural to think that your baby: your product or service is the best. Well, it may not be and that’s where you need to start helping customers, by providing a better one.

8. You did not notice the problem, so you’re behind on fixing it – this is how crisis get started.

9. You don’t have customer service – nobody is assigned to it, nobody owns it.

10. You don’t’ listen to your customer service reps – they know what’s going on and they would tell you.


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